WinActor Ver.7.5.1 was released
- Products offered:
WinActor Ver.7.5.1 (Hybrid version in English and Japanese)
- Launch date :
October 2024
- Key points:
Major issues solved by Ver.7.5.1 are as follows;
- When "frame selection" is run for web pages with a specific frame structure by Browser Agent, click operations and the like will fail in the selected frame.
- Contingent errors occur, when a "Call Scenario File" node is run from subroutines, where local variables are set.
- When a scenario is triggered to run by the administration server, scenario does not start running.
- When used in offline, scenario running is delayed.
- Linkage with syslog server does not comply with RFC5424.
Other issues in specific screen operations, and those related to running node/library are solved by Ver.7.5.1.
- Browser Agent update procedures
WinActorVer. 7.5.1 updates Browser Agent to Ver. 1.29. Update procedures for each browser are explained.